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Our history

The Haut Rigal castle is above all a family story.

Château Haut Rigal, the wine that ate the lion ...


Château Haut Rigal was created by Pierre-Alexis Domec in 1867 with the construction of the cellar and the trademark "Cru Rigal". The estate will be succeeded by 6 generations of winemakers within the same family since its creation. Located in Pian sur Garonne in the South Gironde, we work on the hills overlooking the Garonne. In order to get the best out of this terroir and its sunshine, we combine modern techniques and the experience of generations to obtain gourmet wines while authenticity. Elegant, Fruity and Convivial are the characters of our wines that we want to share.


Our Winegrower

At 30 years old Mareille Baissas, great great-great granddaughter of Pierre-Alexis Domec decides to take over the family estate following his parents after a career in the agri-food industry.


Upon arrival Marielle creates a new range of fresh wine, fruity and elegant wines to enjoy with friends.


Mindful of environmental aspects, Marielle practices so-called reasoned agriculture through the Terra Vitis and HVE level 3 approach.


Le terroir 

Le Château Haut Rigal c'est 25 hectares de vignes et 15 hectares de bois & praires. Le vignoble se dessine à la fois sur la rive droite et sur la rive gauche de la Garonne. Les cépages du bordelais sont à l'honneur. Muscadelle et Sémillon sont les cépages des blancs. Merlots, Cabernet Sauvignon et Cabernet Franc sont les cépages des rouges. Bientôt un cépage plus méridional... le Marselan.



Sur la rive droite nous produisons nos vins d'appellation Bordeaux. Les terroirs sont argilo-graveleux. Ce sont des sols équilibrés mêlant la fraicheur de l'argile aux propriétés filtrantes des pierres donnant ainsi des vins ronds qui gardent un fruit intact.


Sur la rive gauche nous produisons nos vins d'appellation Graves où les sols mêlent  terres limoneuses,  galets et petits cailloux. Ces petites « graves » rendent les sols chauds et bien drainés produisant des vins amples et plus robustes.




Today the castle Haut Rigal is certified Terra Vitis and HVE level 3.

The aim of these certifications is to promote environmentally-friendly practices on farms in order to produce wines with a lower impact on the environment.


Château Haut Rigal focuses on 3 key axes:




Respect for Men




33 490 Le Pian-sur-Garonne

+33 6 30 94 11 54

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